Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Masterpiece Fozzie: Keith's Bday Party

This entry was after wild night at a Sigma's bday house party (before I was a sigma, and I think it was Keith Racine's birthday)

Drunk People Aren't Fun ! - 1/27/2002

Yesterday was the longest day in my college life...untill I pledge a fraternity.

The started with me and O Diddy going to a special olympics basketball tournament thinking we were going to be doing the same thing we did @ the gold tournament. Managing a particular type of basketball shot. But noo, they're having real games with teams so we got stuck working @ the scorers table. The problem was the guy who told us the instructions didn't tell us very well so we had to learn on the fly. Keeping track of everyones fg, ft, reb, and 3ptrs was nooo joke ! It wasn't bad when we did the first few games, but the last game was between 2 innercity youth teams. Lord jesus !!! I had forgotten to track the team fouls for my team and the refs were complaining so I just wanted my team to win so bad so I wouldn't get beat up. Lucky for me they did win.

Later That Late Night
The house party was tight for the first 30 min. That's how long it took my friend to get drunk. 7 Cups of Hunch Punch and a Carona in 30 mins !!! So we were stuck watching him. When we took him outside to use the bathroom he ran away screaming like a 5 yr old. Sheesh. When we finally caught him, calmed him down, and brought him back inside his brain was gone in an instant! He finally settled down on a couch, and I finally got a chance to chill, so I sat down on the stairs in the house. 5 minutes later... a fight breaks out. Darn locals !!! That was the key to get my drunk friends home, but then they wanted to fight too !!! And these ugly local girls weren't helping the situation out either by instigating them more !!! Ug I hate them locals !

Me and O Diddy finally got them home, and we promised Never Again to goto a house party with those two cats every again.

I'll Holla

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