Monday, July 31, 2006

Slow News Day... Unless You're Cuban

What an un-eventful day. Up until 11:00pm I really didn't have anything to blog about. I was going to share a quote I saw on the simpsons today, comment on Bush in south Florida, and that's it. It was going to go something like this.....

Lisa: Bart, you don't understand anything about women.
Bart: Understanding women is easy, it's state capitals that's hard!

I agree with Bart 100%. I think I almost understand the female mind. I know I promised to do a few posts on "Why Women are Crazy" but I've been so busy with the ZK Website and Reunion Weekend stuff.

In other news, Bush took a 2 day trip to south Florida recently and they interviewed him on the ABC affiliate down here. I still find it funny when people interview Bush on anything complicated. He's got more moves then Michael Jackson at Motown 25 (or Usher at the BET Awards if you're culturally challenged.) Bush answering questions on the conflict between Israel and Lebanon is like me trying to win a Japanese spelling bee. Like the facebook group says "Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry".

Anywho, I planned to end the blog right there and call it a day, no need to waste your time with me rambling on about how my day was, what I had for lunch, etc. But then some other stuff happened...

At 11:00pm as I had just finished watching Return Of The Jedi to celebrate my last parent free day at home, I switched off the DVD player and the TV returned to a local channel and the streets of Little Havana look like the Heat have won the NBA Championship again, but only the Cuban fans are celebrating. The overlay at the bottom just says "Fidel has surgery". Later it changes to "Fidel hands over power..."

This is big news. This is amazing. I better go to the channel where they handle big news all the time. CNN. Well not big enough, cause Anderson Cooper has better things to do with his time in the middle east. Good thing I have direct TV here, there's plenty of world renowned news networks where I can get the non-Cuban casting of this event.

Well clearly, the rest of the America would rather watch their ice-cubes freeze then hear about Fidel's career moves. Headline news has Anna Nicole Smith doing STUFF. I had to goto Fox News, but even there I found O'riley being his usual bitchy self talking about the middle east. Oh well back to the local news channel.

So the streets of Little Havana are officially bananas. Everyone speculates that Fidel is about to die or already has. Well at least somebody is covering this event. Then one of the "journalists" makes a comment that they admire people who get in rinky-dink rafts and try to make it to America. And while I somewhat agree this is the main reason why I was trying to get news coverage from CNN. If I wanted somebody's opinion, I'd well, read a blog, or at least get it from some random Cuban-American on the side of the street, not from an "un-biased" journalist!

So stay tuned, unless you don't live in south Florida. Then you're stuck with Anna Nicole...

*Comentarios por favor?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad my people made it to your blog D. We were up watchin the news last night and my parents think he's already dead..
Last night was a big night, shit I now might be able to see the homeland soon while my parents are still alive!

Oh, and I watched that Simpson Episode

- Danny

Anonymous said...

mmm this has become my nightly routine...check my email, check facebook, and then check ur blog. keep it up. can't wait to see u once fall starts.