Friday, August 04, 2006

MAD MAX Part 4: LeJeune Road

I almost succumbed to another COMAP, but I managed to shed the shackles of my bed and get active, it's Friday night for Pete's Sake! Anyway...


As my internship gets closer to my last day, I had to donate a post to the ever treacherous journey I take to get to work everyday. I briefly alluded to this experience in my AIM profile, but now I get to fully explain the peril of driving on LeJUNE ROAD aka 42nd Ave. Check out the image to see my personal Axis of Evil.

Thanks to mapquest I can tell you my life is only in extreme danger for 8.6 miles of my 17 mile trek to work twice a day of course, but more often in the morning. To be clear, the actual structure of the road is pretty sound for a street in Dade County. 99% of my "life flashing before my eyes" experiences driving to work have all come from the other cars on the road.

It's like I drive through a worm-hole when I pass Opa Locka airport and the Gratigny. The minute 37th Ave merges into 42nd Ave aka Highway to Hell aka LeJeune Road, it all goes downhill. Right at that particular longitude and latitude, all the rules you had to fake when you first got your driver's license go out the window. Way out the window.

If you've never driven in Miami, then you'll never understand the Daytona 500 likeness of drivers down here. Not so much in terms of speeding. One particular stretch of Lejeune has light practically every 300 yards. Well it feels like it. The real issue here is the NASCAR style lane changing that goes on about every 30 seconds. You know people only watch NASCAR to see the crashes. We'll if all those "professional" drivers practiced on LeJeune road, they'd never ever ever crash their racecars.

Another important factor in causing my "spidey sense" to spike repeatedly on the way to work is that this is south Florida and there's a large number of "older" drivers on the road. Add to that the fact that it's Miami-Dade "1 Lane, 2 Cars" County. Add to that fact that the roads always seem to be under construction.

Add to that the ethnicity of many of the drivers who cause me the most grief. I'm going to try be as PC and Bigot-less as possible. I love all my Hispanic people on the earth, but there are about 20% of you out there that should have been bared from driving since birth! This morning in particular I was cutoff twice by two old Spanish ladies. Then an old Hispanic taxi driver thought "lane ends 500ft" equates to "switch lanes now without looking".

Yes, they were all Spanish only because this is Miami and Hialeah which technically has more Hispanic people then any other part of south Florida. If it was Atlanta, I'd probably just be complaining about black people...

*Keep both hands on the wheel when making comments...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

careful with the use of "spanish" "hispanic" and "latino".

The Spanish are those that are from Spain....

- Danny