Monday, December 18, 2006

Black People: NiggaSpace!

I hate to sandwhich my most happy college moment with posts about the folley of black americans, but somebody (probably Gardy) told me the most dangerious thing in America is a black man with a degree. I'm starting to believe him because we're the only ones who see things like this and see a problem. Anyway, I ran into this website while studying for an exam and was so incensed I had to write about it on the spot! I didn't post it because I had to save Post #50 for graduation. So now that we're on Post #51, I can go ahead and share my angst. Here is a little control+V action...........................................! !!!!!!

OMFG!! I'm here trying to study, and I see a group on facebook called "Niggaspace is a discrace to black people". At first I was like, this has to be a joke. The ignorance of the black race could not have spilt from BET over to an organized commercial venture on the internet. Couldn't be. I googled it and again, OMFG!

The company slogan says it all. NiggaSpace - A Place fo' Niggas. OMFG! I was really going to study and write about this after graduation because I promised myself my 50th post was gonna be for the momentus ocassion of my graduating, but every minute I didn't write something down, my soul caught on fire! I had to write this down, somewhere, anywhere!

Damn ignorant ass coons! I just wrote about "The coon" but this is just about the worst display of ignorance anywhere. The site's creater, an aparent high school senior, claims that the site isn't meant to be racist and that the word "Nigga" and "Nigger" are two different words with two different meanings. Seriously, no seriously! Is there already a line forming to punch this kid in the mouth? Any black person born after the switch from B.C. to A.D. knows that those two words are exactly the same.

Before I continue I will make a few statements because I know what you are thinking. (1) Like I said in Gold Tooth Pre-Teen Girls, I use the N word too. Sometimes more then I should. But only in an extreme casual setting with ONLY other black people around. Sub-consciouly I do this so I don't give other races the impression that the N word is cool. Even now I refuse to type out "NIGGA/NIGGER". (2) To that note, I feel we can't get mad at other races for using the N Word until we stop using it. Latin people call each other the N word now. Soon asians will too. If we don't get mad at them, we can't get mad at white people. Then we can all use the N word in church, in court, and at work.

"Part of my intention for this site is for the word nigga to embody images of brotherhood, and fraternity rather than images of ignorance and hate.

How great would it be, if the mixed emotions that this word carries along with it, were stripped down to something more positive? Only positive. - Ignorant ass duckhead/creator"

Everytime I hear that particular argument for making the N word a regular word, I think about other words that will never ever ever make it to Santa's Nice List. Bin Laden and Hitler are two great examples. You think Arab-american kids are going to be walking around going "thats my Bin-Laden right there" in 100 years or "What up my Bin-Laden"?

In "tyrone" (the creator's) defense, I can see him wanting to make a myspace service aimed particularly at black people. Oh yeah, what could we call it. Hmm. Black something, black world, black globe, black thing that orbits a sun, something along those lines... I don't see how making a website where cats show off their tats and hook up with hoes is going to teach the world that the N word is fine and dandy for everyday use from Wall Street to MLK Blvd.

The dumbest internet savy black person on earth/creator definitly has no argument for the lovely logo on his site. 3 black figures wearing headbands and gold chains. You know, if some red neck hick with a mullet, a Bush-Cheney sticker, and a confederate flag liscense place, made this site (which could be correct since apparently Tyrone has not revealed his race according to news sources) then I would have said, hey, 1st amendment. If ignorant ass black people get tricked into thinkin this is cool, oh well, Red Neck Jim has every right to make a website called NiggaSpace. But to think that a black person ( a high school kid though ) thinks this a good idea is so very sad.

Even sadder is the fact that black people are signed up and are regular users. One website said more then 10,000 people have signed up! 10,000 ignorant ass black people! This is just extra sad. People at UF caught flack for being in facebook groups with the N Word in the title while trying to get the Alligator to apologize for using said word, but how easy is it to join a facebook group. Mad simple. But you have to fill in 15 things to be a NiggaSpace Nigga. Any african american with a sense of pride in their culture and history of black struggles should of said "woah, wtf am I doing?" around entering their date of birth on the form.

This is the state of black community in America. From a math stats point of view, this isn't all black people. I bet this is mostly high school kids. Not black business owners. Not black civil rights activists. Not Jim Cro Law survivors. Just some high school kids, who by the way are going to be full fledged adults in 5 or so years. I like to think that ever mini-generation of people is more liberal then the last. If is not a problem to high school kids, what horribly ignorant thing will not be a problem to kids currently in middle school?

I'm all for fighting the good fight, but it's like the "pride of the black race" is on a negative slope when using old standards like number of famous black politicians, doctors, and scientists. But if we change the graph to measure black pride by number fronts in your mouth, or number of times you can get shot and live, then the graph is shooting sky high. I'm considering switching my race to Other on forms now. Can I do that?

I've got the solution. Maybe myspace can sue Niggaspace for copyright infringment? Its worth a shot. The niggaspace guy won't even show up to court since the police will never be able to serve him with court papers... you know how those niggers hate the police.

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Episode 50 - Graduation!!!!

December 16th, 2006... 10:00am. O'dome. 3rd row from the front on the left side. This is where I spent 90% of one of my most happiest days in a long time (outside of that little thing in Atlanta a few weeks back). Yes ladies and gentlemen, the blog turns 50 today with this being the 50th post I saved just for this special occasion. The occasion ofcourse being GRADUATION!!!! (Note to readers, I will be thanking GOD a lot throughout this blog tonight so if you're a heathen, don't be offended, you damn heathen)

Funny, it almost didn't happen on a number of levels. 1st, finals week really felt like an ESPN Sports Classic. You know the games on ESPN classic that go into triple overtime. That was me many times this week wondering to myself why the professor has it out for me personally when he put his final exam together. I never understood how you could have senior'itis in college as opposed to in High School when you already had all your future plans already in place by January or February. But in college, if you don't have a job already, your GPA still matters. And in engineering, you can't anything below a C!

So while I know people whose last semester was composed of mainly PE classes and Basket Weaving, I was fighting through Lean Manufacturing and Supply Chain. Remember those triple coronaries I was having during the South Carolina game, well I think I had a psychotic breakdown during that final. Like I could of bit the head off a chicken and drank it's blood psychotic. You know when you turn each page of the exam and go "how do I do that?" and then throw in the fact that you need a C in the class to graduate... Hmm, yummy chicken blood!

I had to stop and pray during the exam cause seriously people, seriously. All I could see was my ass being here another semester because of this one exam. So THANK GOD, he gave me some spiritual prozac and I got my act together. I managed to put something down and by my calculations will get my C. Mission complete.

2nd, My graduation was at 10:00am so I had to be at the O'dome at 8:30am. My alarm clock went off at 7:00am and I swear, I was wondering what was so special today that I set my alarm to wake me up. I kid you not! Such was the stupor that finals week put me in. I was two taps away from hittin snooze when GOD gave me a five-finger slap and everything became clear again. I coulda snoozed! How horrible would that have been to wake up at noon!

You know, the emotions run thick at graduation for everyone. I'm sure even Bernie gets a little sad after his 1000th handshake (I think he has a stunt hand for these occasions, probably amputated from a local orphaned migrant worker). Right right right before you go on stage is the most nerve racking experience ever and you know me, I'm supposed to enjoy attention. Imagine if I had some elaborate dance to do on stage as is common now awadays...

By the way, on people dancing on stage. You remember wacky day in high school. Everyone got to look like they got dressed in the dark by stevie wonder. But you know, there's always one guy who didn't put any thought into it and just wore two different shoes. And how did he look when he got to school? Lame! Wack! Sorry!

Thats how I felt about dancing on stage at graduation. Either you come correct, or don't waste your time. You're not going to go down in history by doing a 0.5 second dance move. This is UF! They crank out the names like we're at the Ford Factory. I just threw up the frat sign after I heard my name and subsequent Blu Phi. I didn't dance cause I'm surprisingly conservative when it comes to GRADUATION, but I saw this one dude do one spoonful of The Chicken Noodle Soup before the next name was called and I felt sorry for him. Two different shoes...please!

Anyway, after I got off the stage, I was surreal. Floating even. Even after I sat down, I couldn't believe I was now a graduate of The University of Florida, the greatest school in the south, southeast, east, country, world? Either way, I had to keep telling myself and everyone who sat around me that I was a graduate of UF now 'cause it was like a dream.

I'm gonna save my reflections on UF for a later post, but I will say I take singing the Alma Mater in band for granted because the people to my left and right had no idea how it went and I had to go all American Idol on them to save the day.

After all the pictures and hugs outside I had dinner with my family... in OCALA! Thanks Gainesville hotel system. It was cool though. It gave me a chance to see how much love and support I've always had right under my nose. And I was getting some Mafia wedding envelopes. I hope that trend continues in Jamaica. My day ended with me finally opening up this 12year old Appleton that's been teasin me for weeks now. All I can say is I only deal with 12 year olds now... rum that is.

Even now, its still a little hard to believe that college is over. I'm officially an adult now. Scary, but interesting. I look back and this post should of been longer then the one on my birthday, but I think I spent much of saturday on cloud nine so I cant remember the specifics. I'm slowly coming back down to earth though.

So what is in store for the future of Dollar Bill? Christmas trip to Jamaica...check. Watching the gators sphalack the buckeyes in the national championship game...check. Great paying job back at home...double check. A potential future Mrs. Mills...workin on it. Either way, I honestly think GOD has some great things planned for me and I can't wait to get it going. He got me this far didn't he?

* Until the spring graduation, you can watch all of UF's graduations online at just click saturday morning when you get there and fast foward to 1:13:30 to see ya boy...

PS: This is also the 50th post on my blogt. Now that school is over I think I'll be able to post like when I first started this. I'm planning some things for this blog now that we've hit the big 50. I'm gonna make a top-10 lists of previous posts and add a subscription thing so you can get new posts emailed right to you! But I won't get to any of that till I'm chillin in Jamaica with nothing to do. Maybe if Cingular customer service stoped being so horrible I can post from anywhere in america with my as yet purchased Samsung Blackjack...I wonder who cingular customer service calls when they have problems with their phones? Oh yeah, they probably all have Verizon!

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Black People - It's Cool to be a Coon

Just 8 hours until I take the most important final exam in my freakin life, but I had to take a break before I vomit things like Economic Order Quantitiy and Bullwhip Effect all over the floor. In this brief break of mine, I'd like to continue my observations on Afrcan Americans aka Black People.

For some odd reason the library was closed on saturday night (like nobody in gainesiville studies the saturday before finals start?) and I had tricked myself into thinking the Reitz Union would be open 24 hours. Anyway, I'm situated behind the food court by the free internet computers (thanks COX Cable!) using my computer only to play internet radio (who doesn't love free 80's music!) and thankfully, I had my super ultra hardcore $100 Shure earbuds.

This spot in the union is also the breakroom for the more minimum wage workers (who are all black in their late teens, early 20's - don't blame me, blame Bush!) where you can find them using the free internet to look at myspace, youtube, and eastbay shoes... Fair enough, I think we college students do that enough already with our own computers. Now lets set the scene up better.

One particular worker, who I will know refer to as The Coon was seated directly across from me rapping along with his cd player. Now like I mentioned before, $100 Shure headphones. This headphone are tight, so tight all I can hear is the music and my heartbeat. My heartbeat! Anyway, I see his mouth moving, but thankfull, no volume. The girl studying at the table next to me though did not have $100 headphones and she was looking very unnerved.

I pulled out one ear to "hear" what was going on. It would seem that The Coon was not listening to his mix of gospel hits but infact a rather descriptive song about the female reproductive system. It went something to the effect of;

I split the pussy wide open and nut in your mouth, I be fucking pussy from north to south - The Coon

Now I'm not going to argue the socio-economical ramifcations of Rap music here. I'm increasingly getting tired of where the majority of rap is headed. However, if I heard The Coon's rap in the club, or on the way to the club, or leaving the club, then I would have thought it was a hot song.
The Reitz Union is not the club..., well not right at that moment.

At first I found it funny, seeing this black kid's use of verbs completly annoy the heck out of the girl who was studying. I found it ironic because I had just watched a special on ABC about how people behave when somebody does something disruptive in a public place. I was wondering, should I tell this kid to keep it down, should I jam along with him, or should I stick $50 of my headphone back in my left ear and study some more?

Before I could make up my mind, a new though settled in. Sadness. Sadness for The Coon. Sadness because I bet The Coon didn't know he was acting like an idiot. I'm sure in his circle of friends, beating pussy from north to south is a perfect conversation topic no matter where they are, beit church, strip club, or Reitz Union food court. Don't get me wrong, I've been in enough similiar conversations, but I was raised with a thing called common courtesy.

While I was trying to predict The Coon's home life and future career goals based on my 10 second observation, some other student told him to keep it down because people were studying. He did turn down his Rap City Idol audition though. But then he gave me this look and smiled at me like I was on his side of the point.

I encourage you to read about the "coon caricature". I think you can find the 2006 version in someone you know very quickly. Don't get me wrong, if it was a white guy with a mullet and a confederate flag shirt singing about that "honky tonk, badonka donk" the effect would be very similiar. Here's a question to leave you with (since year, there's that whole most important final exam thing I have to take care of)

Why is ignorance not looked down upon more in the black community? Why do we as black people get mad when another race points out things that are blatantly obvious to even ourselves? Good thing I'm Jamaican... ;)

Ok I'll get off my soapbox... for now. PS No time for spell check, I'm too ig'nant for that.

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Reading from the Book of Revelations...

I'll begin tonights sermon with a quote from Saint Benny
"Somewhere in Ann Arbor, a black tuba player in the michigan band is writting a blog entry entitled DIRTY DIRTY GATOR WHORES" -Benny Torres
Yes my people. Armageddon is upon us. Just as I predicted many moons ago, the Gators are going to the national championship game! Repent your sins now! Give up your earthly posessions, bathe in holy water, and thank GOD for he is a Bruin fan! The hand of GOD came down and switched USC's playbook with Ron Zook's. The hand of GOD put Reggie Nelson and Chris Leak in gator uniforms for a reason! Can I Get an AMEN!

My flock, we have entered the land of the Wolves. Big 10 Wolves. Ohh yes, the haters have become large like Goliath, but we, yes we have SEC Championship rocks in our slingshot. We have won the toughest conference in America. Yes, Michigan is in the Big 2/Little 8, and yes they only lost by 3 to Ohio State, but who else have they played? Notre Dame! Notre Dame! What is that, French? I thought we vanquished the French in WWII? Remember freedom fries? Can I get an AMEN!

My children, do not fear, for GOD is my haterblocker! Since the lord came down and cleansed the village whore that is the BCS, I have spent many a night reading on why Florida jumped Michigan in the BCS. So many haters. The voters didn't want a rematch, michigan is being penalized for not having a conference championship, the sky is blue, FSU Sucks, etc. My gentle sheep, the Lord doesn't reward those who sit on their asses and cry! The lord rewards those who get off their asses and cry, which Urban Meyer did, and did well.

Followers of Christ, 50% of the christian earth thinks the BCS got it right. The other 50% think the BCS got it wrong, GOD doesn't exist, and it's ok to marry your sister! Tell these devils to go back to where they came from, Tallahassee! For even the most ignorant Georgia Bulldog and the most in-breed Tennessee Vol are routing for the Gators and the SEC to champion OSU, whose hebrew name translate into "bait used to feed alligators".

I'd like to end with a prayer... Lord, thank you for returning Florida Football to the mountain top. We have suffered for so long. Many have fallen to the tyranny of Ron Zook. But we have survived. We have survived Ron Zook. We have survived Dan Mullen's special olympic play calling. We have survived Kirk Herbstreit Big 10 bias. We have survived. We survived the nation's toughest schedule and we thank you lord. And yes lord, we know you are indeed a Gator Fan, and we are thankful for your love.


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