Sunday, October 15, 2006

Groundhog Day: Gator Football Style

Once upon a time... or actually October 13th, 2001. Its my freshmen year. I'm sitting in the stadium at Auburn University. The Gators are ranked #2 in the nation. We've got Rex Grossman, Jabar Gaffney, and Steve Spurrier. We're supposed to beat the crap out of the TigersWarEaglePlainsmen! Thus began the beginning my streak of never winning a game in the state of Alabama. The Gators lost by 3 pts. Auburn was unranked at the time so they joyfully celebrated by tearing down the goalpost. Now if you're a visitor and they tear down the goalpost infront of you, yeah its kinda scary. National title hopes are lost...

But.... The 2001 Gators were hot fire. They made it all the way back to #2. I was predicating a grand national championship game against Miami in the Rose Bow. (Back when Miami was good) They ran the table the rest of the way until the season ending game against Tennessee (post-poned because of 9/11). But people brought Roses to the Swamp and the jinx monster was on our backs, and oh yeah, we lost too. Had we won, we would of went to the SEC championship, gang banged LSU again like we did in the regular season (44-15!), then taught those R&B Thugs at UM what football is really about.

Flash forward to 2006. Yeah I know, engineering is hard ok... Anyway. Its October 14th, 2006. Its my senior+ year. I'm sitting in the stadium at Auburn University. The Gators are ranked #2 in the nation. We've got Chris Leak, Dallas Baker, and Urban Meyer. We're supposed to beat the crap out of the TigersWarEaglePlainsmen! Thus continued my streak of never winning a game in the state of Alabama. The Gators lost by 1 pt (I don't count the fumble recovery because Chris Leak was down!). National title hopes are lost...

But I still believe the 2006 Gators are hot fire. Even though they lost, they're still ranked #6 in the BCS. Everything is setting up nicely for a repeat of 2001 except there's no Bin Laden and we already beat Tennessee. That's two hurdles already surpassed. Now I just want to get an SEC championship. Anything after that is like free samples at Sams. HISTORY IS REPEATING ITSELF PEOPLE!

There are four teams ahead of the Gators in the BCS standings up to #2 (I'm not going to be greedy, #2 is more then enough). I've called my stereotypical Jamaican Ms. Cleo skills and predicted what will happen and how we'll get that number 2 ranking again.

I call it,my Armageddon Scenario. Ohio State will beat Michigan. Notre Dame will beat USC. Louisville will beat West Virginia. And oh yeah... We're going to smash, beat, murder, kill, assault, batter, whoop, and smash Auburn in the SEC Championship game! If all that happens, we'll be in the national championship game. But like I said, I'll be mad content with an SEC Championship.

So look out for these games cause history is cyclical...

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