Saturday, April 21, 2007

Days Off are for Blogging!

Oh how long has it been blog. You are like a high school girlfriend I run into at the club just after you finished sliding down the pole in drunken ecstasy. Sadly, it's hard to remember to blog about all the foolishness I encounter in the world when I don't leave work until 9:30pm. Also much of my madness is from observations made at work and uhm... I'd like to keep my job.

I have decided to spare my neglected readers and promise to blog on my days off from work. I think that will at least make the posts flow against until either;

A. I get a schedule that mimics the rest of the corporate world
B. I get a new job that also includes A.

And I don't think either A or B is happening anytime soon.

I have meant to write stuff here plenty of times since I started working in my new department, but it's just something about leaving work after 9:00pm, driving for 30 minutes (mostly on a highway), taking a shower, and eating a late late dinner that stifles my blogging creativity.

Begin Sarcasm.... NOW

So I was reading about how the Virgina Tech shooter bought some empty clips off ebay. That's news people. Ebay is probably gonna have to regulate things like that. My point however is the useless info the media loves to hit us with.

The article also detailed the rest of the shooter's transactions on ebay. He sold football tickets and OMG, a calculator! Thanks Action News. What's that, there's more! He only used the calculator for a semester! Get Jack Bauer on the line right now!!!! Wait, there were games on the calculator. Good lord! Get the Joint Chiefs on a conference call a.s.a.p.

Like seriously people. This man killed over 30 people, and I need to know that he has a 98% rating on ebay. Forget his psychological issues, that 98% says it all. One person knew all along that this guy was wacko, but all he could do was give a thumbs down on his transaction..

End Sarcasm.... Now

So much more things to say, but they're neither witty nor sarcastic. I'll keep it separate and put in the next post.

Remember that girl PleaseLeave A. Comment... Yeah she was fine!

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