Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Football was soooo Last Saturday

It took Tim Tebow's tears (which have the same healing properties as some rain Forrest plants) to lift the embargo on blog posts. Plus I'm more proficient at IPhone typing now. It's a shame too because there's so many funny things that have happened to me since November of 08. I'll try and recall them but you know how that goes. Now all I need is a little red line to show up under the misspelled words.

Anyway after last Saturday's 187 of the Gators in the SEC Championship Game, my coping with grief stages kicked in and I suddenly became retrospective. I was thinking about the 2006 National Title Game I witnessed live in person (yet will never blog about) and remember how amazing the moment was. Then I remembered how un-amazing all the games the following season were. That 2006 National Title didn't mean Sh!t the following season.

What does that all mean to the sports fan? It means you have to live in the moment extra extremely hard. Like Mountain Dew hard! It's the only way. It works when your team is up. Now when your team is getting bent over like an episode of Oz then you may want to live in the past... just like a UM fan.

Speaking of UM fans. I had to pleasure of being berated by UM fans all this week. The sad part is I probably would have taken it all in good spirits if these taunts were from actual UM alumni or students. But these are some regular "this is my team cause I live in the area" type stuff. This is not the NFL. I strongly believe if you never attended a particular college then you lose all rights to talk sh!t on their behalf. And some of these Canes "fans" have a worse case of Great Gatsby syndrome then Notre Dame!

Hello UM, the 80's and 90's called. They want their sports news back. You don't see Gators crying about SEC domination in the 90's do u? No!

Ahh. That felt good. Just like old times.
Welcome back Dwayne, welcome back.

Sent from my iPhone

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