Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Masterpiece Fozzie: Keith's Bday Party

This entry was after wild night at a Sigma's bday house party (before I was a sigma, and I think it was Keith Racine's birthday)

Drunk People Aren't Fun ! - 1/27/2002

Yesterday was the longest day in my college life...untill I pledge a fraternity.

The started with me and O Diddy going to a special olympics basketball tournament thinking we were going to be doing the same thing we did @ the gold tournament. Managing a particular type of basketball shot. But noo, they're having real games with teams so we got stuck working @ the scorers table. The problem was the guy who told us the instructions didn't tell us very well so we had to learn on the fly. Keeping track of everyones fg, ft, reb, and 3ptrs was nooo joke ! It wasn't bad when we did the first few games, but the last game was between 2 innercity youth teams. Lord jesus !!! I had forgotten to track the team fouls for my team and the refs were complaining so I just wanted my team to win so bad so I wouldn't get beat up. Lucky for me they did win.

Later That Late Night
The house party was tight for the first 30 min. That's how long it took my friend to get drunk. 7 Cups of Hunch Punch and a Carona in 30 mins !!! So we were stuck watching him. When we took him outside to use the bathroom he ran away screaming like a 5 yr old. Sheesh. When we finally caught him, calmed him down, and brought him back inside his brain was gone in an instant! He finally settled down on a couch, and I finally got a chance to chill, so I sat down on the stairs in the house. 5 minutes later... a fight breaks out. Darn locals !!! That was the key to get my drunk friends home, but then they wanted to fight too !!! And these ugly local girls weren't helping the situation out either by instigating them more !!! Ug I hate them locals !

Me and O Diddy finally got them home, and we promised Never Again to goto a house party with those two cats every again.

I'll Holla

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Before Dollar Bill.. there was Fozzie

I've been trying to 5S alot of the junk on my computer... just like work! Speaking of work, this is the first time I ever took work home on my days off. Its like I'm practically an engineer!

Anyway... while trying to organize my files I ran into some old back-ups of my Open Diary. This thing is solid gold, going all the way back to senior year in high school to somewhere in sophomore year in college. Classic Classic stuff. So classic I must share it with the entire world... or random blog readers..

So keep an eye out for posts titled "Masterpiece Fozzie" for a look back waaaay down memory lane.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Change We Can Blog About

Well look what I found, an old dirty blog. Somebody get me a bottle of Simply Green so I can remove all the old mystery junk off this thing. Ahh yes. Good old blog. Holder of all my late college adventures. I miss you... And for some reason I'm extra bored tonight and don't want to be productive. What better opportunity then this too blog?

How long have I said I'm gonna blog today, I'm gonna blog today, ahhh maybe I'll blog today. ENOUGH! It is time to reclaim my long lost jumping off point. In fact, when I got my iphone and had delusions of blogging from my new fancy dandy phone, I made a list of topics I wanted to discuss. Now it's too late to devote whole posts to these topics, but I can jot down some brief synopsisisisises. I know you all have been waiting for this like a 3rd Gremlins movie so heeeeeeere we go!

1. The Iphone....
I actually began writing a looong post about the wacky adventures involved with getting my iphone... on my iphone. Sadly while it's easier to type LOL a hundred times on the iphone, I won't be doing my own version of War & Peace any time soon on the iphone. It's still saved so hold your breath.

At the end of the day, the iphone is an amazing product, compared to my last phone which required a direct link to the hubble telescope for me to get any signal to make calls. It also allowed me to replace my defunct Dell DJ and always have an MP3 player one me which works great when for some odd reason I'm still at work long after I should have left...working basically for free... and need to maintain my sanity. Safari is awsome too. Just need some way to access blogger...

2. Unboxing Videos!
Maybe I should cover this last cause this has started to drive me crazy. I was trying to decide between a black or white iphone becuase I heard the white ones were "girly" but they shipped in 3 days as apposed to 7-21 days. I couldn't find any white ones in the wild... aka the at&t store so decided to look on youtube to see it in action. Big mistake.

All i could find were "unboxing videos". Now before I start WTFing all over the place, here is a definition of "unboxing" that I found.

The Internet trend of showing photos or video from the unpacking of a retail box of some desirable product, such as the latest laptop or portable music player.

F that! Its videos of people opening a box of some new electronic item! A box! These are not video reviews of the items features, no, it's a video of some guy opening the lastest phone, or game, or thing-a-majig and laying the contents on a table. Thats it! WTF! Actually... WGAF(Who Gives a F#$%#$)!

Youtube is amazing. You can learn just about how to do anything on there. There's always funny videos, and serious comentary. But a video about opening up the iphone box is friggin ridiculous! Go ahead, search "unboxing" on youtube, and after all 15 kabillion videos return, watch one and ask yourself WGAF!

Obama says you measure the american dream by people being able to send their kids to school and buy a home. Forget that. If you have so much free time that you can go through the process of recording a video of yourself opening up a box from best buy, editing this video, then submit it to youtube, then you sir are living the american dream!

3. Barack Obama
I'm not ready for my Obama post yet. (Running gag alert) Hopefully it doesn't turn into that post about the 2006 National Championship game...

4. There were a few other things that are now totally irrelevant... thanks procrastination monster! But I slightly almost promise to blog here atleast once a week. In the mean time, I'm going to reconnect with my former self and read some of these old posts... perhaps check out that top ten list (wink wink)

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008



Blah this I'd a test to see if this works so blaaaah blaaaah. Blaaah.

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Insert Catchy '08 Slogan Here

Ahh yes. It's been months since I've graced theses "pages". I have no one to blame but myself... Wait, I'm American! I blame my job! Anyway, I have been planning to write lots of stuff for the new year... just you know, the for mentioned excuses.

New Years Resolutions ( Cause if I put it on the internet, then I have to make them come true since like I always used to say "Lies make baby Jesus cry" ). I'm comparing it to upgrading to Vista from XP. Now that I think about it, XP and Vista are pretty much the friggin same, but Vista at least looks nice and glossy. Also, some of your favorite XP programs don't work on Vista... Hmm, well maybe XP to Vista isn't the best analogy, but Macs are stupid.

In no particular order...

01. Get in Shape.
02. Use my engineering degree at my current job... or new job
03. Buy a new car.
04. Finally buy a condo!
05. Revitalize my Cafepress store... yeah, it's still there.
06. Make my Design Business idea a reality.
07. Reconnect with my frat brothers.
08. Blog More! Just like the old days!

Ok thats it. Thats enough. I barely have time for this blog so just imagine this herculean list of things I'd like to accomplish in the next 365.

I should knock out a few before the end of first quarter 08 (you like my corporate speak? I'm getting ready...) I've been going to the gym since December. It's amazing how much paying for it when you're not a millionaire will make you go to the gym.

I'm going to buy a new car as soon as I get my darn tax refund which better be huge since Uncle Sam has been making me his bitch for a year;

Uncle Sam: "Where's my money hoe!
Me: I don't got it big daddy, I don't got it.
Uncle Sam: Don't lie to me bitch!
Me: Ok ok, here, take $200 every week. Please!
Uncle Sam: Yeah... thats right. You're lucky you're a democrat.

On the flip side, I've been saving half my remaining paycheck every week to put down on my future condo/townhouse. I'm very very very ready to have my own place and I've been logging dozens of hours in front of HGTV programs (no it's not GAY) getting ideas to make my future condo/townhouse look like a home and not a college apartment or a bachelor pad.

I've also been reading books related to the stuff I actually studied in college. I'm not sure about going back to school yet and what kind of graduate degree I'd pursue, nor do I want to drop over a G to get certified in a particular industrial engineering topic. Library books however, are free. Nuff said.

Lets take the Delorean up to 88mph and go back to 2006 when I got all hype about Cafepress and imagined making all these money from photoshop designs. It's practically a turn-key business. Well my photoshop skills were also 2006'ish and I'm waaaaaaay better now. The webite I made back then, boring. But now I know how to produce more professional website layouts now with photoshop, so thats step 1. Well might as well outline it cause, it's my blog so there!

Cafepress Store Plan
01. Change store name/rebrand
02. Redesign website and give it a more professional look
03. Review all current designs
04. Add new designs


Six Star Graphics... thats 2nd or 3rd Quarters 2008.

Blog more... I'm here ain't I? Gosh!

Lastly, I really really really want to reconnect with my frat brothers. I've been kinda just going to work everyday not thinking about anything but getting to the weekend, but I'm gonna put forth a new effort to fit in non work things into my life, my bros especially.

*Comment like it's 1999.

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