Another day off from works slips away. Things planned, circumvented by a 24 Season 5 Marathon on my hard drive. Earlier, well 4am yesterday, I planned to write about all the funny things I noticed in the club that night. You'd be amazed that most of the people in the club can be funneled down into a few categories. Maybe later.

Anyways, in an effort to make my ginormous 22" computer screen continue it's out of the box freshness, I changed the background picture again, this time choosing a photo I took of the sun setting in key west. At times I find myself just looking at this pictured I've had for over a year, stretched across the screen, and I realize there's something about sunsets that is connecting with some inner emotion inside me somewhere.
Where I work there are no windows to the outside world. After about 7 hours without
natural sunlight, there's something about looking through the Customer Pickup bay doors and seeing the sun set over the
Sawgrass Expressway. The way the light rays bounce off the shiny floor and practically blind you. I'm not even sure what the feeling is called. It's not sad, happy, or mad. More like a longing. Longing for what though?
Even this same picture in key west has me longing for something. I just can't put my finger on it.
Oh Dollar, the sunset is your life before you started working
I though of that, but I kinda like working life. I like how I bought this fresh new computer without any assistance from my parents. I'm loving how if a get my saving plan right, I could have my own place in a year. I'm
REAAAAAAAAALY looking forward to that.
Sunsets... what could it be? Any ideas people? I've used up all my 12
th Grade AP Psychology Skills I can think of. That and one of our neighbors is having a "gathering" that I can hear through my window at 2:00am. Yeah, I forget, not everyone works on
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