There are times at work when my job is purely physical. No thinking involved. Just lift, set, push, etc. But you know, I am a scholar, and my brain refuses to go on auto-pilot. It's during these sessions that surprisingly, my mind churns out random acts of proposed creativity for me to work on later. Sadly,later involves me in bed watching a complete season of 24, pushing all my creativity to the side. Lucky for me I have a blog and I can record my wasted thoughts for as long as the Internet exists (until Skynet takes over...)
Anyway during a recent stretch of pure non-college degree requiring labor, this brief stanza of poetry entered my mind:
I'm like the first monkey that stood up on two legs
Looked at my girl Eve and said,
Let me hit that apple
Brilliant! So deep, so provocative. You could take that statement so many ways. At the time of it's creation I was in serious caveman mode at work. Lift, set, push, etc. I haven't really had a chance to figure out what it means. Got any ideas? I'd love to read your interpretation.
I do recall (and if you were at this one particular poetry night) writing a few poems to explain how I felt at the time. I think I might get back into it. But that would take time away from watching Law & Order on TNT on my days off. If only I could get a flux capacitor!
BTW, did you notice how I'm infusing all my pop-culture references with wikipedia now. I realize that not everyone has seen Back to the Future 50 million times or realized the machines take over in Terminator. It's basically for those people who watch family guy and don't get any of the jokes cause they been living under a rock their whole life... or watching BET.
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