Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Big Boy Camera

Right after I graduated (and counted all the skrilla) I decided I was ready to get a big boy camera. I always took some nice shots with my little sony, but I've always been a stickler for quality. All summer I'd spend hours on flickr looking at how great shots taken with a dSLR (aka the Big Boy Camera) looked and I said to myself that one day I would buy one. I believe the only constraint at the time was the $400+ needed to buy one.

Long story short ( it's 3am and I'm bored...) I got a Nikon D50 on sale right after New Years. Unless you too own an SLR then that means nothing to you, but you should be happy to know that I'm almost ready to add "photography" as an official hobby. I do need something to replace "playing the tuba" in my life. I say almost because I don't really have much opportunities to take pictures of stuff. During daylight hours I'm either asleep or at work and as we all know, days off are for laying in bed watching Law & Order.

I do however get a chance every now and then to really put my camera to use. The pictures littered throughout this post were taken with my Big Boy Camera. When I move out and get my own place ( within 10 months according to my ridiculously aggressive savings plan ) I want to decorate my walls with poster size versions of all my "gangsta pics". Anyway, I've had a chance to use this camera on about 5 occasions ( thats almost $100 per occasion! It pays for itself people!) and these were some of the best ones I got. What do you think so far?

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