Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Facebook Stalking: Now With Cruise Control

In an effort to due battle with the axis of evil known as Fox & Myspace, facebook has decided to add some new "features". I awoke this morning to find my facebook home exploding with information. When I say exploding, I'm mean like Hiroshima exploding.

Just looking at it now I know that 2 girls I know are "no longer single", a few of my friends created new photo albums, who left groups I'm in, who joined groups I'm in, and suddenly all my recent wall postings which used to be uhm... on my wall, are now on my home page.

Fair enough. Think if it has a web portal for facebook like yahoo.com or msn.com. You can get all your facebook updates on one page. Now you won't have to search friends by "recently updated profile" to see whose doing anything new in their life. And from here you can see how your friends are interacting with your other friends. It's very interesting, atleast from a sociological standpoint.

But like cell-phones allowed us to speak to someone anywhere in the world at anytime, the updates on your profile page have given facebook stalkers their own glass of gummy-berry juice. The mini-feed is facebook stalking gold.

Not only can you look at peoples pictures and read their profiles to learn about them without every talking to them, now you can actually see whose wall they've recently written on and what events they RSVP or declined to goto. It will also tell you what part of their profile was changed so you can stalk more efficiently.

Sooner or later this mini-feed will display who poked you, then we're all in trouble!

*Please comment, or I'll know that you joined a club about not leaving comments at 11:30pm...

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