Thursday, August 03, 2006

1 Part Werewolf - 1 Part Grizzly Bear = COMAP

I've always admitted that somewhere tucked away in my DNA, you'll find pieces of wolf genes. For someone who has been shaving since 8th grade, being harry is a way of life. Lately though I've noticed I got a couple of strands of Grizzly Bear in me too!

Once a week, my body decides that it was never meant to work a "9-5" and induces a coma where I really wanted to just take nap. My goal is to usually nap for an hour or so because scientifically speaking, naps longer then an hour are actually bad for you! I also figure to wake up naturally so I leave the alarm clock off.

My nap which started yesterday at 6:30pm (right after the simpsons) lasted well until 1:00am! That would be nice if I had nothing to do. Those 6.5 hours were already ear-marked for activities.
  • Make a facebook picture for a bro
  • Finally change my old one from Thriller
  • Work on the flash for the ZK Website
  • Get some layout stuff done for the Reunion Weekend website
  • Ofcourse, hit you with a fresh blog entry

But alas, none of these activities ever saw the light of day, or even the uh, dark of night. Clearly my Grizzly Bear genes sent me into a hibernation not only last night, but atleast once a week. I'm forever stuck in a cycle like a sleepy version of Groundhog Day where I can never go one whole week without donating a day to my "nap-coma"

Infact, I just thought of a new word for these periods of sleep. COMAP, which is a coma like nap. Somebody call Webster and let him know I've got a word for sale, as long as I keep the marketing rights. Yes I can see it now, COMAP Cereal, COMAP Action Figures, COMAP: The Musical!

Losing all of my non-working day wasn't all that bad. Though it was 1am, I did get to chat with a fellow nap abuser since I was wide awake. Good times at 1am I tell ya!

I'd like to say I'll have a regular post tonight for August 3rd, but you never know how todays nap will turn out...

*YAWN - Comments?

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