Saturday, August 19, 2006

I Only Dance With Girls!

Just came back from the club and while I'm sending out these two 10mb email flyers I had to jot down a few thoughts on girls who goto the club and only dance with their girlfriends..

This is a public service announcment... If you're a girl and plan to only dance with your girls please abide by the following rules.
  1. Do not dance in the middle of the dance floor and expect noone to try and dance with you.
  2. Do not make repeated eye contact with a guy and/or smile at a guy and then act crazy when they try and dance with you
  3. Do not "back it up", "drop it likes it's hot", or "make it clap" against the wall and be surprised when a guy wants a repeat performance on his own pelvic region
  4. If your girl does start dancing with a man, do not get jealous and pull her away from him.
Follow these simple rules and we will all be better off in the future.

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