Thursday, August 03, 2006

Bible Studies for Dyslexics

Short post tonight (at least I'm awake), but I did want to point out a website I found by accident. If you type instead of you get whisked away to a lovely website called Mega Site of Bible Studies. What a lovely designed website. From a web design point of you, somebody needs to move up from crayons to colored pencils... The site does have a lovely array of things dealing with the end of the world. This place is ripe for a Pixar adaptation!

Something else....

From The GAYS Stole All The Rainbows : Director's Commentary

At the end when I said "Shout outs to all gay people I know", I originally wanted to say "Shout outs to all my gay people" but I figured the semantics would be lost on some people and imply that I enjoyed the company of men. I should of been an english major.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, i was trying to write on one of ur blogs...but i had to have a password and other nonsense...nah, not goin thru i'll send it to u thru this...figure it's good for a laugh

at this point i find it essential to note that u said, "i should OF been an english major..." I find this highly amusing since the proper way to phrase that sentence would be, "I should HAVE been an english major..." kay, i realize about now ur either shaking ur head at me or wanting to punch me...however, either way i hope ur smiling or laughing!!!

ol, luv ya. Goin to bed now...and it figures that im so much of a loser that i am actuallyprolly the only person commenting on the random nonsense that comes out of goodness knows where. Goodnight.